Does laser hair removal affect chances of pregnancy?

There's a rumor going around the Internet that we want to crush it right now, before anyone else accepts it.

Laser hair removal

in the bikini area cannot cause infertility. We know that the friend of your friend's sister's cousin swears she knows someone to whom it happened, but it's just not possible. Does Laser Hair Removal Affect Fertility? There is no evidence that laser hair removal affects fertility. Laser hair removal is also considerably less painful than waxing, in which hair is removed at the root.

The most common side effects of laser hair removal are temporary skin irritation and redness of the treated area. Fans of laser hair removal aimed at the armpits claim that it reduces body odor, another important benefit. Many healthcare providers recommend avoiding laser hair removal during pregnancy because of a lack of information about the effect on the fetus. Any laser hair removal treatment, whether in the beauty salon or with a household device, penetrates just below the surface of the skin. Laser hair removal does not cause infertility, regardless of the number of sessions you have planned for the bikini line.